Charitable Opportunities Through NIL

Detractors of NCAA’s Name Image Likeness policy often site the perceived negative impact that the change has had on the landscape of college athletics. While some of the issues that get brought up might be valid and the system in its present condition is far from perfect, what should not be overlooked are the countless examples of NIL allowing student athletes the opportunity to start and give to various charitable organizations whose causes they support.

Just to site a few examples, while at Oklahoma, Quarterback Nick Evers, donated the proceeds from his first NIL deal in its entirety to the Make a Wish Foundation. Tyler Linderbaum, former Iowa OL donated $30k to the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. Michigan running back Blake Corum partnered with an Ann Arbor chocolate shop to support Uniform Funding Foundation which provides sports uniforms to aspiring underprivileged athletes. There is a myriad of other examples throughout college athletics.

Below is an article written about Hoosiers For Good, a University of Indiana organization that in its first year raised $3.9 million that was donated to various charities ranging from gun violence prevention, to recycling, to children’s hospitals, and everywhere in between on the behalf of UI student athletes. This type of generosity needs to be celebrated. Student athlete empowerment through NIL is not only personal, but also charitable. #NIL#charity#hoosiersforgood#NCAA#nickevers#makeawish#tylerlinderbaum#uichildrenshospital#blakecorum#uniformfundingfoundation#studentathleteempowerment#change#opportunity