Month: July 2023


Former Star Athlete Ashley Kucher Focuses Successful Business on Handling Failure

A chief attribute learned through participation in athletics at any level is the ability to...

NCAA Sets Up Confrontation with State Lawmakers Concerning NIL Guidelines

The NCAA is in a fascinating predicament. Several states have passed laws that directly conflict with...

Student Athletes as Sought After Business Recruits

Article written by Gregory Crawford and published in Forbes toward the end of 2022. The author...

Admiral William H. McRaven UT Commencement Speech

I saw Admiral McRaven on one of the national morning news shows today being interviewed...

Charitable Opportunities Through NIL

Detractors of NCAA’s Name Image Likeness policy often site the perceived negative impact that the...

House Subcommittee Considering Federal Regulatory Body to Oversee NIL Rights for College Athletes

Interesting article regarding a House subcommittee that is contemplating the creation of a federal regulatory...

Studies Show Athletes Bring Leadership Skills to the Workplace

An article exploring the transferrable qualities and skills athletes gain through participation that make them...

Beyond Physical: Lessons that business leaders can take from the playing field

Forbes column discussing the transferable skills between sports and business leadership. The article emphasizes the importance...